possible duration of sunshine 意味

  • possible duration of sunshine


        possible sunshine duration [at a particular location]:    possible sunshine duration [at a particular location] 可照時間[ある地点における][その他]〈98Z8113:照明用語〉
        duration of sunshine:    日照時間{にっしょう じかん}
        sunshine duration:    日照時間{にっしょう じかん}
        astronomical sunshine duration:    astronomical sunshine duration 天文学的可照時間[その他]〈98Z8113:照明用語〉
        duration of bright sunshine:    日照時間{にっしょう じかん}
        relative sunshine duration:    relative sunshine duration 日照率[その他]〈98Z8113:照明用語〉
        percentage of possible sunshine:    日照率{にっしょうりつ}
        in the sunshine:    日向{ひなた}で
        sunshine:     sunshine n. 日光; ひなた; 晴天. 【動詞+】 admit the sunshine 日光を入れる They lay in the grass enjoying the sunshine. 日光を楽しみながら草地に寝ころんでいた Pigeons lined the roof enjoying the sunshine. ハトが屋根の上で列
        duration:     duration n. 耐久, 持続; 期間. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the average duration of daily sunshine 平均日照時間 a process of a certain duration 一定の期間継続する作用 oscillation of fixed duration 一定の時間継続する振動 the wo
        for the duration:    継続期間中{けいぞく きかん ちゅう}は、当分{とうぶん}の間は
        for the duration of:    ~の期間中、~の間
        as ... as possible:    as ... as possible 可及的 かきゅうてき
        as as possible:     as ... as póssible できるだけ…の[に]《◆...は副詞,形容詞,または形容詞を伴う名詞》 Get up as early as ~ [you can]. できるだけ早く起きなさい I need as much money as ~ to the plan. その計画にはできるだけ多くの金が必要だ.
        if it is possible:     if (it is [at all]) póssible できるなら Do it by tomorrow, if ~.([]) できれば明日までにそれをしなさい.


  1. "possible contact width" 意味
  2. "possible course of action" 意味
  3. "possible culprit" 意味
  4. "possible danger of criticality accidents" 意味
  5. "possible deduction" 意味
  6. "possible effect" 意味
  7. "possible enemy" 意味
  8. "possible escape route" 意味
  9. "possible eventuality" 意味
  10. "possible danger of criticality accidents" 意味
  11. "possible deduction" 意味
  12. "possible effect" 意味
  13. "possible enemy" 意味

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